Organization / Private Companies / 1000Memories


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1000Memories is a new way to remember the life of someone you love. We help you build a space to share photos, record stories, and memories with family and friends. Everyone knows a person in a different way and together, we can create a truly special place to remember a life.

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Organizational Details
Organization Type: Private Company (non-financial)
Common Name: 1000Memories
Year Founded: 2010
Industry: Technology Infrastructure
Legal Name: 1000Memories Inc.
No. of Employees: 5
Status: Approved
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Crunchbase API: 1000memories


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Address Country Type    
2 Stephen Street London, W1T 1AN, GBR United Kingdom    
23-29 Rives de Clausen Luxembourg City, L-2165, LUX Luxembourg Primary  
3210 Porter Drive Palo Alto, CA, 94304 USA USA  

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Funded Year Funded Month Round Amount Investors    
2011 February Series A USD 3,000,000 Greylock Partners; Caterina Fake; Ron Conway; Keith Rabois; Mike Maples; Paul Buchheit; Chris Sacca
2010 January Seed USD 15,000 Y Combinator

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