Facebook has a new listing (Pending Verification).
Ask Price: $50.00 User: Rich Somebody View Note
Quantity: 1,000,000 Visible To: Everyone  
About 5 minutes ago

Test CSV
Quick Sapphire is a new Private Company.
Location: San Francisco CA Industry: Media and Publishing  
About 10 minutes ago

eHarmony has a new bid (Pending Verification).
Bid Price: $12.00 User: Alexander Polovski View Note
Quantity: 50 - 100 Visible To: Everyone  
About 25 minutes ago

Facebook has an interest to buy.
To Invest: $140,000 User: Joan Price  
About 2 hours ago

Etsy has an interest to sell.
Quantity: 50,000 User: Gene Harrows  
About 5 hours ago

Test CSV
A new accredited user is interested in Private Company Stock.
Employer: Twitter User: Sean Pawn  
About 6 hours ago

Test CSV
Louie Sims posted a New Holding.
Amount: $100,000 Asset Type: Common Stock  
Company: TI Automotive      
About a day ago

Facebook has a new listing (Pending Verification).
Ask Price: $50.00 User: Rich Somebody View Note
Quantity: 1,000,000 Visible To: Everyone  
About 5 minutes ago

Test CSV
Quick Sapphire is a new Private Company.
Location: San Francisco CA Industry: Media and Publishing  
About 10 minutes ago

eHarmony has a new bid (Pending Verification).
Bid Price: $12.00 User: Alexander Polovski View Note
Quantity: 50 - 100 Visible To: Everyone  
About 25 minutes ago

Facebook has an interest to buy.
To Invest: $140,000 User: Joan Price  
About 2 hours ago

Etsy has an interest to sell.
Quantity: 50,000 User: Gene Harrows  
About 5 hours ago

Test CSV
A new accredited user is interested in Private Company Stock.
Employer: Twitter User: Sean Pawn  
About 6 hours ago

Test CSV
Louie Sims posted a New Holding.
Amount: $100,000 Asset Type: Common Stock  
Company: TI Automotive      
About a day ago

Facebook has a new listing (Pending Verification).
Ask Price: $50.00 User: Rich Somebody View Note
Quantity: 1,000,000 Visible To: Everyone  
About 5 minutes ago

Test CSV
Quick Sapphire is a new Private Company.
Location: San Francisco CA Industry: Media and Publishing  
About 10 minutes ago

eHarmony has a new bid (Pending Verification).
Bid Price: $12.00 User: Alexander Polovski View Note
Quantity: 50 - 100 Visible To: Everyone  
About 25 minutes ago

Facebook has an interest to buy.
To Invest: $140,000 User: Joan Price  
About 2 hours ago

Etsy has an interest to sell.
Quantity: 50,000 User: Gene Harrows  
About 5 hours ago

Test CSV
A new accredited user is interested in Private Company Stock.
Employer: Twitter User: Sean Pawn  
About 6 hours ago

Test CSV
Louie Sims posted a New Holding.
Amount: $100,000 Asset Type: Common Stock  
Company: TI Automotive      
About a day ago

Facebook has a new listing (Pending Verification).
Ask Price: $50.00 User: Rich Somebody View Note
Quantity: 1,000,000 Visible To: Everyone  
About 5 minutes ago

Test CSV
Quick Sapphire is a new Private Company.
Location: San Francisco CA Industry: Media and Publishing  
About 10 minutes ago

eHarmony has a new bid (Pending Verification).
Bid Price: $12.00 User: Alexander Polovski View Note
Quantity: 50 - 100 Visible To: Everyone  
About 25 minutes ago

Facebook has an interest to buy.
To Invest: $140,000 User: Joan Price  
About 2 hours ago

Etsy has an interest to sell.
Quantity: 50,000 User: Gene Harrows  
About 5 hours ago

Test CSV
A new accredited user is interested in Private Company Stock.
Employer: Twitter User: Sean Pawn  
About 6 hours ago

Test CSV
Louie Sims posted a New Holding.
Amount: $100,000 Asset Type: Common Stock  
Company: TI Automotive      
About a day ago

Key Statistics (Over 7 Days)

Accred Market Users
▼ 8.25%
Trades This Week
▲ 6.71%
Sell IOIs
▼ 9.13%
Buy IOIs
▲ 15.07%
Revenue This Week
▲ 10.55%

Biggest Movers (Past 7 Days)

Top Ten Watchers
Facebook 569 ▲ 5.27%
Twitter 252 ▲ 12.30%
Groupon 456 ▼ 3.23%
Zynga 123 ▲ 9.28%
Foursquare 112 ▲ 11.55%
Skype 108 ▲ 5.83%
Pandora 107 ▼ 5.74%
Yelp 104 ▲ 0.98%
Dropbox 99 ▲ 6.25%
Gilt Groupe 87 ▲ 10.23%

Top Ten Holdings
Gilt Groupe 101 ▲ 14.08%
Facebook 95 ▲ 6.36%
Twitter 85 ▼ 1.20%
Zynga 78 ▲ 7.98%
Yelp 72 ▲ 2.10%
Foursquare 65 ▲ 12.01%
Groupon 56 ▼ 5.99%
Skype 52 ▲ 6.26%
Pandora 45 ▼ 4.21%
Dropbox 39 ▲ 3.85%

Top Ten IOIs
Buy   Sell
Twitter (Buy) 50 ▲ 12.30%
Foursquare (Buy) 46 ▼ 5.53%
Gilt Groupe (Buy) 40 ▲ 10.23%
Zynga (Buy) 35 ▲ 9.28%
Facebook (Buy) 34 ▲ 5.27%
Groupon (Buy) 32 ▼ 3.23%
Skype (Buy) 29 ▲ 5.83%
Pandora (Buy) 28 ▼ 5.74%
Yelp (Buy) 23 ▲ 0.98%
Dropbox (Buy) 15 ▲ 6.25%